On New Year’s Eve, after we finished playing our dance band set, Ezra and I shared a moment of blissed-out triumph.
“You know, Summer,” he mused, “I was thinking about my top favorite fun moments, and I realized, you’re in a lot of them.”
“Do you mean your top favorite music fun moments?” asked someone sitting near us.
“Well…they’re kind of all the same thing,” we both answered.
A brief session of “remember when?” then ensued, and I realized that Ezra and I have many more overlapping fun moments. Therefore I am starting a new “series” of posts (a la my series of posts on good notes left around Twin Oaks) with this one.
It Came From the Dumpster, 2011
Look how awesome the sign is!
Kamikaze Theater, a concept introduced to Twin Oaks by Clementine, has a set of rules and standards we didn’t exactly follow, but our version of it looked like this: whoever wants to be involved, strap on your seatbelt and drink a shitload of coffee. At 8 pm Friday night, everyone gets together at ZK to talk about what’s going to happen. What’s the play about? Who’s going to act in it? Who will write the script? What about costumes and scenery? Decide who’s doing what, then split up and do it.
In preparation, we’d put out a 10 day input box gathering ideas from anyone in the community, and on Friday evening, we decided that anything put into the box would – nay, must – go into the play. Somehow. The script people would make that happen.