Systems & Structures - Dandelion

Dandelion Dandelion has varied in population from a few to 15. The community was founded in 1975 and was patterned, in part, after Twin Oaks. These documents are concise and well written.
DN-A Government
Catalog # Item Price  


Bylaws $1.10  
Legal document that describes community policy. Subheading include General policy and values, Membership agreements, Property code, Government, and other legal matters.


Working Government $0.30  
Outline of the rights and responsibilities within the planner/manager system including how planners and managers are selected, how they will do their work, and how decisions will be made.


Agreement and Consensus $0.10  
This paper discusses the importance of adhering to agreements made under consensus decision making, and throws some light on how this relates to problems that might crop up with a changing population.
DN-C Labor
Catalog # Item Price  


Labor Credit System $0.10  
Description of how and why the community keeps track of member labor.


Labor System Rationale 1988 $0.40  
This paper explains the rationale behind the system that Dandelion used and makes the case for structure, pointing out the problems arising when there is too little.
DN-D Membership
Catalog # Item Price  


New Member Orientation $0.10  
Description of how community affairs are organized into areas, indicating which manager is responsible for each.


Membership Register $0.10  
Form used by community for maintaining clear, accurate records.


Membership Agreement $0.20  
Formal document signed by members and community representatives, stating rights and responsibilities.


Provisional Agreement $0.10  
Formal document signed by people joining the community.


Clarifying Points on Membership and Visitorship $0.30  
Delineation of the rights and responsibilities of people involved with the community other than as full members.


Behavior Code $1.10  
Dandelion's roots go back to a strong interest in behaviorism. This code is a collection of group norms and guidelines of how members would like to act and interact. Subheadings include Neatness, Social Interactions, Work, Meetings, Mealtimes, Health, Corrections & Feedback. Has missing parts.
DN-F Children
Catalog # Item Price  


Communal Childrearing Program $0.20  
Description of how the community did childcare, including statements about general philosophy, how the work was organized, the rights and responsibilities of parents, the opportunities for non-parents, attitudes toward education, and policies regarding discipline and diet.


Children at Dandelion $0.20  
Updated DN-F1 including sections on history, current approach, community with children, but emphasizes the philosophy more.
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