Systems & Structures Introduction

Federation of Egalitarian Communities

Systems & Structures is a listing of documents used by various FEC communities. (including bylaws, decision-making policies, economic agreements, membership requirements, etc.) These documents can help forming communities by providing examples of policies, and reducing the need to "re-invent the wheel".

Building community is what the Federation is all about. Generally this means offering assistance to communities already up and running. But it also means lending a hand to communities just emerging. We created the Systems & Structures Catalog with forming communities in mind. The Catalog is available in paper form, and in many cases in electronic form on the pages that follow.

Through the years, Federation communities have been struggling to translate their egalitarian ideals into everyday reality. Given the competitive, hierarchial culture from which we arose, this has been no easy task. Along the way we have created various systems and structures to answer the question, "How will we do it?"

We offer these collected written materials at modest cost, in hope that seeing where we have gone will help make your struggle a little easier. Of course, the value of our experience will likely be greatest for those with a similar vision. When looking over what we offer, keep in mind that all the Federation communities practice total income sharing, are commited to participatory governments in which all members have an equal opportunity for involvement, believe in the inherent equality of all people, and offer individual freedom in spiritual and religious affairs.

Some of the items in this catalog are in effect today and some are not. Communities are dynamic entities, never far away from considering their next changes in policy and practice. We hope you find these materials useful.

To obtain paper copies of any document in the Catalog, for cost of printing and postage, please contact [email protected] Federation Desk, East Wind Community, HC 3 Box 3370, Tecumseh MO 65760.

To view the complete catalog in summary form and an order form for mail orders go to our Catalog. To browse the articles online click on the name of the community whose documents you are interested in. Also note the Tax Info Package.

Summary Catalog & Mail Order Form

Documents from Full Member Communities
Beacon Hill House
East Wind
Jolly Ranchers
Sandhill Farm
Twin Oaks

Documents from Communities in Dialog & Former FEC Communities
Alpha Farm
Terra Nova
Veiled Cliffs

Other Documents
Federation Tax Information Package

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