FEC Allied Communities

Allied Communities are communities that we have close relationships with and share many of the Federation's values, but are not considering full membership.

The FEC Allied Communities include:

Heathcote Community (2007 Dec 22)

Heathcote is an intentional community located 30 miles north of Baltimore, MD and 20 miles south of York, PA. It is nestled in a narrow wooded stream valley on a 44 acre community land trust plus a 68 acre plot of woods that's owned by some of our members. We are a community of friends and family who choose to live cooperatively and consciously create a better way of life. We strive to care for one another and for the natural systems that nurture us.

Ganas (2005 February 22)
139 Corson Ave.
Staten Island, NY 10301
718-720-5378; fax: 718-448-6842
[email protected]
Contact: Susan [email protected]

Terra Nova (2005 March 05)
1404 Gary St.
Columbia, MO 65203
573-874-6855 (2nd house)
[email protected]
Contacts: Claire, Hoyt
PEACH Melba: Evan

Walnut Street Co-op (2007 February 15)
1680 Walnut Street
Eugene, OR 97403
[email protected]
Contact: Tree [email protected]