Membership Agreement - Community Autonomy - 2010
Membership Agreement
As a Full member of Community Autonomy, I acknowledge that I shall have available to me all the Community’s benefits as set forth in the Operating Agreement of Community Autonomy, LLC, as far and as well as the Community is reasonably able to provide such benefits and as a full member I agree to abide by the following:
1. Policies: I will conduct myself according to the duly adopted rules, policies, and
procedures of the Community as they exist at the time of this Agreement and as they may, by Community decision, change from time to time. In particular, I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Operating Agreement of Community Autonomy.
2. Goals and Mission: I have read, understand and agree to help the Community achieve its stated goals and mission. I understand that part of the Community’s mission is to serve as an example of community organizing and sustainable living. I understand that the Community will continually pursue this goal by being open to new members (as resources allow), guests, and visitors, and by publicizing the actions and activities of our community.
3. Property: I will participate in labor and property sharing as described in Article V of the Operating Agreement of Community Autonomy. I understand and agree that all labor contributed is part of the obligation as a member, or if above and beyond said obligation, is a voluntary contribution to the Community, and that it is not done for wages or compensation of any kind. I accept the benefits and privileges of Membership in partnership with all other Members as full compensation for all services performed by myself for or on behalf of the Community during my period of Membership, and hereby agree and acknowledge that I have no claim, other than such benefits and privileges, against the Community or in or to any property of the Community on account of such services.
4. Decision Making: I understand the decision making model, as it exists at the time of this Agreement and as it may, by Community decision, change from time to time. I will participate in the decision-making structure of the Community and abide by the decisions made, including those made before my membership in the Community. I understand that the decision-making structure depends on the integrity of its participants and their commitment to the ideals of egalitarianism, trust, respect, self-empowerment, cooperation, equal access to power, and non-violence.
5. Children: I understand that if I should have custody of a minor child or children, whether as parent or guardian or otherwise at the time of this Agreement, and/or if, while a member, I come to have such custody whether by birth or otherwise, and if both Applicant and the Community agree that said minor child shall reside in the Community, then I agree and consent to the care and education of any such children by the Community, so long as they remain a member, in accordance with the Community's policies, procedures, and goals; and absolve the Community of all responsibility to me for all reasonable and lawful consequences of said care and education.
6. Medical and Dental: To the extent that it is reasonably able, the Community will cover the basic health care needs of its Members. All Members must be covered by a basic health insurance plan either through an employer, an individual plan, or some other arrangement.
7. Conflict Resolution: I agree to give up my membership upon request of the members and according to the process outlined in the Community’s Operating Agreement. I agree to resolve conflict peacefully and proactively seek the use of mediation when necessary.
8. Guiding Principles: I have read and am committed to the Community’s Guiding
Principles. I will help to create a lifestyle that will serve as an example of these Guiding Principles and will weigh the implications of my actions, continually striving to minimize my negative impact and increase my positive impact on the Community and the surrounding community. I will participate in the creation of a physical and social structure and culture that will move us towards long-term economic, ecological, and social sustainability.
9. Attached as Schedule A is a schedule of the grand personal property, capital assets, and outstanding debts of Applicant.
_________________________ _______________
(Applicant) (Date)
_________________________ _______________
(Witness for Community Autonomy) (Date)
Assets to be lent to the Community during membership, without interest or other
compensation for the use thereof:
Description and value of Assets and income to be retained by Member during membership, both earned and unearned as described in the Egalitarian Economics Exhibit:
Outstanding debts of Member, both "productive" and "stagnant" as described in the
Egalitarian Economics Exhibit:
This schedule of assets supersedes any previous schedule of assets attached to this Membership Agreement.
_________________________ _______________
(Applicant) (Date)
_________________________ _______________
(Witness for Community Autonomy) (Date)
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