Are we represented?

The response received by the indignant movement testifies to a great dissatisfaction with political representation throughout the world. In this interview, political scientist Loïc Blondiaux calls for democratizing democracy by combining various experimental democratic forms and elections.

Loïc Blondiaux is a professor at the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne, European Center of Sociology and Political Science). He is the author of numerous articles and works including The Opinion Factory (Paris, Seuil, 1998), Public debate: a French experience of participatory democracy (Paris, La Découverte, 2007, co-directed), The New Spirit of Democracy. News of participatory democracy (Paris, Seuil, 2008) and For a 6e Ecological Republic (Paris, Odile Jacob, 2011, in collaboration).

Case :

The ideas campaign