On linguistic imperialism
English, a new world language, dominates after French in XVIIIe century. As a sociologist, Pascale Casanova shows that the use
English, a new world language, dominates after French in XVIIIe century. As a sociologist, Pascale Casanova shows that the use
From XVIe century, Europe and India begin to trade. Their connected history comes in various forms, including the cultivation of
From the Jewish Scientific Institute (YIVO), founded in 1925, to the collection of books “ Polish Jewishness », created after
In a recent book, Harvard law professor Intisar Rabb discusses what she calls “the criterion of doubt » in Muslim
It is customary to say that naturalist novels strive to decipher the world. An iconoclastic thesis supports the opposite: Zola
A careful historical investigation reveals the freedoms that the author of Journey to the end of the night took from
By studying the mutations of photography since its origins, we realize that, contrary to what we often believe, it exalts
In recent years, a new generation of Spanish historians has debunked the old myths forged by Franco’s propaganda, but also
Prisoners of small, comfortable individual bubbles, we no longer act, we consume pre-arranged choices. Matthew Crawford, philosopher and mechanic, explains
We have been saying it loudly for years: French universities are doing badly. A new book continues the reflection, in