Although it does not officially prescribe anything, the IPCC cannot remain completely neutral. In his summary reports, he seemed to favor certain avenues of action, long centered on technology but today more open to all the parameters of climate change.
This interview is part of the cycle of conferences organized by Dario Mantovani at the Collge de France, Read the reports of IPCC to understand the world that is coming An introduction to social issues between science, utopia and reality. Laurent Fonbaustier, professor of public law at the University of Paris-Saclay and head of a master's degree in Environmental Lawdelivered a communication on May 15, entitled Read the reports of the IPCC. In this interview, he deciphers the values underlying the summary reports and shows how these reports shift from the notion of sustainable development to that of resilient development.
Shooting & editing: A. Suhamy. Interview: Benjamin Campech.