Put the police back at the service of citizens

A police policy centered on repression and guided by the obsession with numbers is bad policy. For Fabien Jobard, the prevention and service missions have been forgotten. For the police to become effective and legitimate again, they must place the citizen at the heart of their action and be truly coordinated by the central and local authorities.

Fabien Jobard is a researcher at the Center for Sociological Research on Law and Penal Institutions (CESDIPUMR CNRSMinistry of Justice and Liberties, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin). His areas of research are the sociology of police and judicial decisions. He recently published, with Dave Waddington and Mike King (eds.), Rioting in the UK and France: A comparative analysisCullompton, Willan, 2009, and Police blunders ? Public force and its usesParis, La Découverte, coll. “ Supporting texts », 2002.

Case :

The ideas campaign