Promo Flyers
Twin Oaks
Promo Flyers TO-E2
We are building an alternative society.
Twin Oaks Community invites you to join us in our joyful struggle to build a secular communal village of 200-300 people here in rural Virginia. This has been our goal since 1967. Our successes continue to give us hope and inspiration.
Like any communal group, we are all intimately involved with all aspects of the community and we all have the right and responsibility to give direction to the community. We hold cooperation, non-violence, equality, and feminism as some of our main values.
Our community is a place for women and men to live without much of the oppressive stereotyping common in today's society. Domestic respnsibilities are shared by members of the community. Technical, skilled and manual work are accessible to all (with an emphasis on non-traditional opportunity). Nurturing, caring sensitive interactions are the norm. Though we are all products of the larger sociery, we have made great strides and continue to work on eliminating sexism, ageism, racism and internalized oppression from ourselves and our society. We have created an exciting cultural, social, and political experiment and we have much to offer and gain from you as a member.
At this writing, we are 70 adults and 11 children. Our ages run from infant to age 60, with many people in their 30s. On 400 acres of land, we have 5 residences, a children's building, a full auto and mechanic shop, and light industrial buildings.
As we are a communal endeavor, all of our businesses are worker-owned and managed. Our hammock industry is our main source of income, though we bring in some cash from other businesses, such as wood and rope chairs, a small construction company, and an indexing collective.
Our buildings have been converted to wood heat and new buildings are passive-solar heated with wood backup systems. We are continually looking for ways to use our technology appropriately. Our forestry and food programs reflect our responsibility to the land. We grow and harvest much of our own food and wood.
If you are attracted to our lifestyle and our vision of community, contact us to arrange a visit.
Saturday Open House: a tour hosted by a Twin Oaks member; a chance to talk in depth about our community. Call a few weeks in advance to make arrangements.
Visitor Programs: a chance to live and work with us, and to participate in workshops designed to give you a well-rounded exposure to us.
3-week Visits: a good length of time for you to get a sense of who and what we are; also a first step in applying for membership.
1-week Visits: for people who cannot get away for three weeks, short, intensive visits are possible 4 times in the year.
Our programs are a planned way for us to share our home with you. Please cooperate by writing in advance to arrange your visit. We are unable to guarantee a welcome to spontaneous visitors.
For information write to: Taylor/Recruitment Team
Twin Oaks Community
Louisa, Virginia 23093
Twin Oaks Community
We are a 15 year old alternative society-
70 adults and 11 children- 400 acres of land.
We grow half our own food- work in our own businesses- live in wood and solar heated buildings we build ourselves- create new ways of living together, nurturing, combating sexism, racism and ageism.
Come visit us
Saturday Open House: a tour hosted by a Twin Oaks member. Call a few weeks in advance to make arrangements.
3-Week Visits: a good length of time for you to get a sense of who and what we are; also a first step in applying for membership.
1-Week Visits: for people who cannot get away for 3 weeks, shorter intensivevisits are available 4 times a year.
For information write to:
Carolyn/ Recruitment Team
Twin Oaks Community
Louisa, Va. 23093