Climatologist, Herv Douville explains what the work of the IPCC, what are its certainties – global warming and its anthropogenic causes – but also the difficulty of working on forecast models in order to prepare for the future. Far from being a hindrance, these uncertainties must serve as levers for action.
This interview is part of the cycle of conferences organized by Dario Mantovani at the Collge de France, Read the reports of IPCC to understand the world that is coming An introduction to social issues between science, utopia and reality. Herv Douville, researcher in the Climate Unit of the National Center for Meteorological Research and member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), delivered a communication on April 17, entitled Principles, methods, salient results, and some avenues for improving the evaluation reports of the IPCC.
Photography: S. Esfandiari. Editing: A. Suhamy.