Administrative Reorganization
East Wind
Administrative Reorganization EW-A3
East Wind Community
November 1988
1) More effective administration and increased ability to deal with change.
2) Increase the willingness to fill administrative jobs, of the people members most want in those jobs.
3) Expand the range of folks able to do well in these jobs.
4) Increase the emphasis on membership issues (recruitment, visitors, retention).
Achieved mainly by:
1) Reducing the number of administrative policy committees from 3 to 1.
2) Separating policy from management functions, thereby reducing requirements for these jobs, and expanding the number of people able to adequately fill them.
3) Placing membership issues at a more central policy level.
Why the change?
Our current structure is too big for the number of members we have. In addition, the multiple committee approach to administration has not performed well, partly due to the inter-committee communication problems, and the difficulty in filling all the positions.
Part of the idea is to create a structure where the folks we want working on overall community policy and direction - are willing to do the work.
Policy is separated from day to day management, so that there is less skill requirement both for the policy, and the management positions. Also to allow involving folks in policy decisions, without them having to put more than 2 hours per week into the job. The 10-20 hours per week that day to day management requires, limits who is able and willing to do the job.
Essentially all policy matters previously dealt with by the Board, Social Committee, Resource Committee go to the new Board of Planners; with day to day management delegated to a management team, at the Boards discretion.
Roles, reporting relationships and sources of support would be clarified by having the Board select the management team, and the management team members select the administrative staff people.
Descriptions of the board's role in an organization (taken from co-operative Board of Directors outlines), divide into five areas or key functions:
1) Decision-making
2) Advising
3) Trustee
4) Perpetuating
5) Symbolic
Decision making: Key areas are selecting and evaluating management; long range planning; legal and policy questions; and approving financial projections, policies and structures. While good management can and should facilitate board information and decisions in the board's several areas of responsibility, the board itself must be recognized as the ultimate authority in community, second only to community meeting.
Advisory: The board has the responsibility in relation to management as well as to the membership. There is a danger, frequently evident, that the board will attempt to be much more than an advisor in its relation to management; interference in operations by the board can handicap management's ability to function in the community, and handicap the board's ability to oversee and evaluate management. The board's leadership of the community must also include a conscientious advisory relation to the membership, in order for the members to best be involved in and support the community and to have influence in its fundamental issues.
Trustee: This refers to the board's fundamental and fiduciary responsibility
to the community's members: safeguarding the assets and overall good health and name of the community.
Perpetuating: Beyond simply meeting formal requirements a crucial but often neglected board task is ensuring continuing effective board leadership through proper nomination, election, and training of planners. The board is also responsible for perpetuation of the community through evaluation of what it offers to members and outside cultural trends.
Symbolic: The Board's duties include formal leadership in the community as well as maintaining responsible and beneficial relations with all parts of the general and institutional public.
General Intent:
The board would function as the overall policy and planning group for the community. It would oversee all operations of the management team.
The expected time requirement for Board members would be 2 hours per week. This is to help maximize our ability to have the folks we prefer on the board by not requiring a major time commitment.
5 positions
A Chairperson is elected from amongst these 5 by the 5 board members, to coordinate the activities of the board.
1) Elected annually.
2) One year terms, no limit on the number of consecutive terms.
3) Nominees are determined by:
a) ballot - and full members are asked to select up to 10 members they would like to see on the board
The top 10 members in the ballot, along with anyone additionally nominated by the current
Board, or by the petition process previously established - are the nominees for the final voting process.
Generally speaking the objective would be to nominate the people that are most preferred by the
4) A week of so after the nominees are determined, there is a discussion of the nominees at a community
5) This is followed by a second week long ballot vote to determine the community's final preferences. Each
full member votes for up to five of the nominees.
6) Positions go to the top five vote recipients, that are willing to serve on the board. To be elected one must
also have received yes votes from a majority of the full members at the time of the election.
7) Nominees may decline to be on the final ballot or to serve on the board. Otherwise it will be assumed that
folks are willing to be on the board if the community asks them.
8) Not receive a majority, and any if all five positions are not filled for some reason, a second vote may be held would include the previous nominees that did others nominated by the Board or by petition.
1) Any member of the board shall be removed from office on the presentation to the board of a petition signed
by a majority of full members demanding co's removal.
2) Board members may also be removed by a secret ballot vote at a community meeting. If a recall proposal of a board member is on the agenda stack, a the board will bring it to a community meeting within 30 days.
Responsible for:
1) Developing community policy, within guidelines set by the community.
2) Selecting and evaluating the performance of the management team.
3) Selecting a chairperson and nominating members to the community to fill vacancies on the board.
4) Nominating folks for committee and managerial positions that will be elected by the community.
5) Establishing and monitoring financial standards for the community.
6) Reviewing any long term loans prior to consideration by the community.
7) Recommending, after recommendations from the management team, an operating budget for the current year and projections for succeeding years.
8) Reviewing complete financial statements at least quarterly and operating reports at more frequent intervals.
9) Developing for community approval, significant and realistic plans for future development and growth, and reviewing and modifying them at regular intervals.
10) Reviewing and making recommendations on any proposed changes in the Bylaws.
11) Authorizing appropriate people to sign contracts, leases, or other obligations on behalf of the community.
12) Adequate accounting records are kept in accord with generally accepted accounting principles.
13) Accurate community records are maintained; including copies of Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Board minutes, Community Meeting decisions, and all required reports.
14) Posting all board decisions.
15) All legally required reports are accurately maintained and filed when due.
16) Appropriate internal financial controls are in force and periodic audits made as needed.
17) Adequate channels are provided for members suggestions, commendations and complaints, and that response is reasonably prompt and courteous.
18) Effective programs for member information are designed and then implemented consistently.
19) Communication between management, Board, committees and members is reasonably free flowing and open in all directions.
20) All activities are carried out within the law, the articles of incorporation, bylaws and decisions by the membership.
Authority to:
1) The Board of Planners shall direct the affairs of the community, and exercise all of the powers of the community, except those as are reserved to the membership either by the bylaws or decisions by the membership. The Board shall adopt such policies, rules, regulations and actions - as are not inconsistent with law, the bylaws, or decisions by the membership- as the board may deem advisable.
2) Make emergency decisions when the issue can no wait and quorum is not present at a community meeting.
3) Delegate any matter to a manager or committee.
4) Change the job description of the management team and its members.
5) Select members of the management team (with confirmation by the community).
6) Dismiss any manager it has appointed, including those that were confirmed by the community.
7) Decide on appeals.
8) Hold community elections.
9) Propose the agenda for community meetings.
A member of the board is elected by a majority vote of the planners.
Responsible for:
1) Chairing board meetings.
2) Overseeing preparation for meetings of the membership.
3) Calling special meetings of the board
4) Performing other duties as may be prescribed by the board of planners.
Authority to:
1) As determined by the board of planners.
General Intent:
To carry out day to day management of the community within policies and other guidelines set by the community and the board of planners.
(note: these are tentative job descriptions and can be changed by the board.)
Membership manager
Social manager
Resource manager
The board proposes people to the community for confirmation.
These people can be selected by the board from amongst its own members, or from the general membership.
Responsible for:
1) Day to day operation of the community.
2) Implementation of community and board plans.
3) Developing plans and recommendations for the board on how to best achieve the community's goals.
4) Posting management team decisions.
5) Public relations
6) Other things as designated by the Board.
Authority to:
1) Decide on appeals.
2) Decide what committees/managers deal with certain issues.
3) Decide on management issues not covered by any of the individual management team members' authority.
4) Use money and labor within community guidelines.
5) Delegate tasks and authority to other managers/committees, including the membership, social and resource
Responsible for:
1) Recruitment.
2) Visitors program (contact, orientations, etc.)
3) Membership policy implementation (votes, records, leaves, etc.)
4) Other things as designated by the board.
Authority to:
1) Grant leaves as outlined in community legislation.
2) Grant releases from labor and property rules, where warranted and within the original intent of the rule.
3) Use addition staff people for these activities (recruitment manager, visitor manager)
4) Appoint sub-committees and managers in the membership areas, with the board's and community's approval (Recruitment manager, Visitor manager).
5) Dismiss any manager co has appointed, including those that were approved by the board and the community.
6) Use money and labor within community guidelines.
Responsible for:
1) Finding ways to address social concerns of the community.
2) Developing plans and making recommendations to the board and community on how to address specific and general social concerns 3) Being a source of help for folks with conflicts. 4) Administering social programs; weeds and knots, skills training program (communication, conflict resolution, group dynamics), Other things designated by the board.
Authority to:
1) Appoint; Cultural Committee, Recreation Manager, Holidays manager, Federation delegates, Network manager, pets manager, hunting manager.
2) Use addition staff people for these activities.
3) Appoint sub-committees and managers in the social areas, with the board's and community's approval.
4) Dismiss any manager co has appointed, including those that were approved by the board and the community.
5) Use money and labor within community guidelines.
Responsible for:
1) Keeping labor use within budget.
2) Interpreting labor policies set by the community.
3) Resolving individual and branch labor problems.
4) Meeting folks needs for satisfying work.
5) Implementation of the community's work plan.
6) Overall operation of the work system.
7) Making recommendations on all legislation affecting the work system.
1) Overall financial planning.
2) Cash management.
3) Insurance.
4) Negotiating loans.
5) Keeping spending within budgets.
6) Being the "treasurer" for legal purposes.
1) Other resource concerns as are needed: land use, space use...
2) Coordinating resource usage in the community.
3) Other things as designated by the Board.
Authority to:
1) Appoint the Work manager, with approval or the board and the community.
2) Reallocate labor between budgets, raise or lower budgets based on supply changes, within board guidelines.
3) Make policies as long as they are within the scope of legislation passed by the community.
4) In extreme cases of non-cooperation on keeping spending within the budget, deny branches visitor labor, floating labor and new permanent workers, or deny individuals credit. 5) Determine guidelines and criteria for the HTA system.
1) Appoint the Accounting Manager, with the approval of the board and the community.
2) Sign for loans as the treasurer, with one other officer.
3) Contract for insurance.
4) Implement financial control systems.
5) Restrict spending on any budget when necessary.
1) Reallocate resources within the intent of the community's resource plans, and within board guidelines.
2) Use addition staff people for these activities.
3) Appoint Sub-committees and managers in the resource areas, with the board's and community's approval.
4) Dismiss any manager co has appointed, including those that were approved by the board and the community.
5) Use money and labor within community guidelines.
Designated by the board, from amongst the 3 members of the management team.
Responsible for:
1) Arranging management team meetings, and coordinating the activities of the management team.
2) Wording with the board chairperson to schedule community meetings, and preparing the proposed agenda.
3) Other things as designated by the board.
Authority to:
1) Use money and labor within community guidelines.
1) The work coordinator position is eliminated and the tasks assumed by the work manager.
2) Work manager and accounting manager - are appointed by the resource manager.
3) Population committee is dissolved.
4) Permanent worker assignments and removals are done solely by the branch, with the regular options for appeal.
5) Confirmations by the community can be done by a secret ballot at a community meeting.
6) This goes into effect one week after confirmations are completed, but no later than January 1, 1989.