Information for Visitors - Appletree

Tags: Visits and Visitors, Appletree, Behavioral Expectations, Community Life

Information for Visitors AT-F1

Information for Visitors AT-F1

Dear visitor,

Welcome to Appletree! Here is some helpful information about us:


The visitor fee is $4 a day unless you arranged ahead of time for a trade.

The visitor work quota is 3 hours a day (with trade, 5 hours). There is a list of jobs for visitors on the kitchen wall, with the names of the people coordinating them. Please talk to the person in charge of the job you want, or to the visitor coordinator.

Please write down on the time sheet on the kitchen refrigerator how many hours you worked at what job.


An electric heater is available for the guest room if the weather is cold. Please turn it off when you leave the room or go to bed.

Please turn off the lights when not using them.

Please take off your shoes in the house. There is space to put them by the kitchen door.

Feel free to take baths and showers. There is only one bathroom; a schedule of when members use the tub is by the door.

If you'd like a private towel, please take one from the bathroom shelf.
Please clean the tub and wipe up any water on the floor and leave things in order after using bathroom.

The toothpaste and floss are communal.

People are encouraged to share the bathroom and feel relaxed about it. If you really need privacy you can drop the curtain. Please put it back up when you're done.

There is an outhouse outside if the bathroom is full.

Please only flush toilet only after shitting.


We have one communal meal per day, supper at about 6 pm.

Other meals and snacks are independent - please help yourself. Ask one of us if you can't find something.

We have white salt but no white sugar.

We have no communal coffee or other drinks with caffeine; some members have private coffee that they personally pay for. Please don't drink it.

We love it if you take turns cooking supper for us.

You can cook with one of us to help if you prefer.

We don't add salt to cooking, only at the table.

We occasionally have desserts; please go easy on sweetening if you make one.

Most of our meals are vegetarian. We have fish once a week.

Please tell us if you are vegetarian, do not eat dairy, have food allergies or other special needs.

We have vitamin C, E, and dolomite available.

Please wash your dishes and clean up after any meal or snack besides supper.

We also love it if you take communal dish turns! Please follow the dishwashing list to the left of the sink. The member whose turn it is will help you if you prefer.


Visitors with children do their own childcare unless they have made a special arrangement with us.

Please keep track of your small children and help them respect our belongings and space.

Our house is not "baby proof" so babies and toddlers will need extra supervision.

Please don't allow children to go into private rooms without our permission. Our bedrooms aren't set up for small children to play in safely.

The computer room is also not a good play space. However, Iris can set up her preschool computer program and show it to the children.

There are communal toys available in the big room in the closet under the stairs.

The playhouse and swingset and sandbox in the frontyard are for everyone. Toys in the yards of the other houses are the property of the renters. Please ask the renters' permission before your child uses them.

Please ask the renters before your child visits their houses, and make sure an adult renter agreed to supervise your child before leaving him/her there.

If you would like to have the renters' children play at our house with your child, please supervise them and let their parents know where they are.

Please clean up after your children and any renters' children that visit them here- wash snack dishes, put away toys, etc.

We have a high chair, potty, baby carriers and some other things available to use. Tell us if you need something.


Local calls are fine. Please consult Iris or Levana about making and paying for long distance calls.
Please write any phone messages in the message pad.


In warm weather many of us go nude around the property. You are welcome to do so also.
You're welcome to attend our meetings as an observer.

We usually will arrange meeting time to talk to you about your interest in us. We like to have your feedback.

Time spent attending meetings and exploring compatibility is work creditable for members but does not count as work for visitors.

Our original cards, stationary, and tie dye T shirts are available for sale. Ask Levana to show them if she forgets.

There are interesting books and community directories in our library that you can use while you're here. Please return books to Levana, the librarian.

Our policy book is available for you to study, and you can have a copy of our bylaws if you're interested.

We hope you enjoy your stay and we are glad to get to know you. Please let us know if you'd like to explore the possibility of joining us.

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