A working-class Lepenism?

The specialist in electoral sociology Florent Gougou shows that the working class vote for the right, then the extreme right, is fueled by a double dynamic: the abandonment of the working class by the left-wing parties, and the radicalization of a new generation, united by its common hostility to immigration, in favor of the National Front from the 1980s.

Florent Gougou is a lecturer in political science at Sciences Po Grenoble. A specialist in electoral sociology, he has worked on changes in the working class vote in France and Germany since 1945.

He recently published: “Workers and the National Front vote. The logic of an electoral realignment”, in Sylvain Crépon, Alexandre Dézé, Nonna Mayer (dir.), The false pretenses of the National FrontParis, Presses de Sciences Po, 2015.

Interview with Florent Gougou by laviedesidees

Image and editing: Juliette Roussin