Remote Membership Process Overview
Hi! We're glad you're are interested in us! First, a little background. While taking in new members is exciting, it can also be challenging to balance both the needs of the house and the needs of the individual interested in us. Historically, we at Emma's have been a bit hesitant about engaging with folks from far away because we really value a lot of face-to-face time to get to know each other
From our past experiences, we feel its important that any prospective member is both interested in us as a community and in Seattle as a place to live. Because we are a small collective with no business of our own, people seeking membership should have the ability to find local employment as well as to create a social life for themselves outside our community. That said, we're excited to engage with folks who might want to join our project!
Phase One: Information
In Phase One, we make sure that you fully understand what our house is about before you come to stay with us. The onus is on you to move the process forward. Don't be afraid to be persistent, ask questions, and call often.
“get to know me” questionnaire
Phase Two: Visitor Stay (optional)
Your visitor stay period is an opportunity to get to know us, learn what we are about, and delve into the details of the house systems. If you already know you are moving to Seattle, you can do your visitor stay when you first arrive, with the expectation that you will then move out until the membership process is complete.
If you have completed all the above and you are still interested, let us know by shouting "Green light go!" and proceed to Phase Three.
Phase Three: Move to Seattle and Follow up
In Phase Three we clarify details, continue the get-to-know-you process, and follow up on any open questions you or we still have.
Phase Four: Full Membership
After living with us for 3 months, we will have a membership check-in, where you will have a chance to say what's been good/hard for you at Emma's, and we also can give you feedback. All together we can discuss any concerns or issues that have come up. At this point you tell the group if you are ready to become a full member (and make a 2+ year commitment). If you or we want more time to feel things out, we j continue checking in every 3 months or so for up to a year. Usually by then it will be clear to everyone if Emma's is a good fit for you and vice versa.
P.S. Well, you made it through that document! Congrats. While this is the process we try to follow, some adjustments can be made around particular circumstances. Feel free to ask any questions through your contact person.