[Excerpt from Membership Policy]
Under special circumstances, Twin Oaks accepts "limited term members." Especially during periods of low membership, we may be open to people living here who are not ready for provisional membership. The benefits and costs to the community are weighed on an individual case basis, but the guidelines for residency are listed below:
1. Anyone wishing to live here and have an exception to our regular membership agreement goes through regular membership process and proposes an agreement for residency to the CMT.
The CMT can accept, reject or ask for compromise. If approved, the agreement would be good for up to five months (six months from the date co began cos visit at Twin Oaks) with an option to renew for up to six months longer (one year total time) upon the discretion of the CMT.
2. Although some exceptions to our membership norms are expected, unless otherwise specified, the resident will:
a) receive allowance and be able to earn travel money and redistributed money, should we have an earnings program. Co would have no access to outside money except gifts and vacation earnings under the same restrictions that apply to members;
b) be counted in the community gender ratio;
c) have no financial requirements for living here, beyond fees or donation for the first month as visitor;
d) have no medical or dental benefits for chronic illness or preexisting conditions, but the community will pay costs of acute illness or injury;
e) be expected to do full quota;
f) be assigned labor on the basis of five days assigned, seven days done (or other arrangement at the discretion of the labor manager) each week for the period of the residency, and be eligible for apprenticeships, although members would have first priority;
g) earn the same guaranteed vacation time as members, and be able to earn additional vacation time by working over-quota;
h) be allowed to drive community vehicles only at the discretion of the vehicle use manager;
i) not have priority in the assigning of community rooms and will be expected to float from room to room as deemed preferable by the room assigner;
j) not purchase clothes out of the community clothes budget;
k) not automatically have privileges such as school, therapy, pregnancy, etc.
The Outreach Council is responsible for dealing with inquiries and approving people to come as student residents. The Outreach Council must come up with a sponsor for each student resident before accepting them. Responsibilities of the sponsor will be as follows:
1. meet with and obtain approval from the Outreach Council;
2. call or write to both advisor and student;
3. explain policies and send the student resident the Twin Oaks information packet;
4. arrange for an available room;
5. get approval of the CMT, which should take into account gender balance and room availability;
6. give or arrange for a full tour of the community;
7. encourage the person to attend relevant visitor meetings;
8. act as liaison in case of problems;
9. be responsible for orientation, assimilation, and evaluation, and work closely with student resident while co is here. Check in regularly.
All of the provisions of residency as described in paragraph IV(A) above apply to student residents, with the exceptions stated below:
1. Student residents must do full quota. At the discretion of the labor manager, student residents may be assigned hours to work on their school projects.
2. Student residents will not be eligible for redistributed money should there be an earnings program.
3. Student residents are subject to the same restrictions as visitors in using community vehicles and dangerous equipment.