Funds to Support Community Development
The Mutual Aid Fund (MAF) exists to provide money to member(s) of full member communities to attend classes, conferences, workshops or other events to learn skills that would help their community in significant areas where that community is struggling, and when their community cannot or will not support such activities for financial or political reasons.
Requesting individual(s) will write a short application describing the problem and how attending the proposed event will help alleviate it. They will also post their proposal at their community; other community members may give input to their delegates. Funding will be allocated at the discretion of the delegates. After attending the event, the individual who received the scholarship is expected to write a report to the FEC describing what they learned and how they think it will benefit their and other communities in the future.
The people at Rainforest Lab are dedicated to co-creating a community where people experience meaning and belonging; a ... Read More
Sycamore Farm Community is a Community in Dialogue with the Federation of Egalitarian Communities, located in Arcadia, Virginia, ... Read More