Bigger than Fuzzy tunnels ?

Caroline said “you blog does not say the party is on.”
i mumble a lame excuse about her being able to write a comment on the post.

But the truth is i let this party slip my mind. I’ve organized many and when this one looked crippled because of the scabies scare i ran from it. But others did not. Faced with a smaller likely audience the Narnia theme organizers took off and took over a significant portion of the main dance floor in a format which might add dramatically. I would never give up the precious dance floor real estate in most years, but this is the right year to make such a bold grab.

are these the elements of a wild party?

There is an oversized wardrobe (from the first point of entry to Narnia from the first book in the series), which presumably everyone will need to come thru. There are two areal dance floors with multiple overhead walk ways connecting them to each other and the cuddle loft.  Michael and Red just starting this construction and there is much to do, but we are confident that they will get up this structure which is already impressive.

Caroline is pumping out costumes and a gaggle of last minute RSVPs are making it look more like it might quite really be something.

So i was wrong. The party is on, a likely smaller but still impressive and wonderful party – with some cool hardware and theme stuff. Nice work madam Cloud.