Self Destructive Tendencies
So i have this job as the marketing manager for the community’s hammocks business. In some ways it is the job i was bred for – chatting people up, hustling products and ideas, making money. and i hate it.
Okay, hate is too strong a term. It is not what i would really like to be doing here. Interestingly, i do quite enjoy the general management of the same business. But with marketing what is true is that i am reasonably good at it and there are very few people who move to a commune because they want to sell things. So it makes sense for me to do it.
But i have noticed recently some slightly self destructive tendencies in this position. Because i dont really like the work, it often slips away from me, a customer gets upset or a deadline gets missed and then i have a little crisis. Turns out i like these pocket dramas, they play to my strengths. I can make people feel better when they are a little agitated, i can be motivated to fix my own mistakes quickly. Generally speaking they are satisfied with the solutions we craft. And it consumes more time than it would if i just did it right in the first place and it puts me in a disadvantageous power position.
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