Explicable Coincidences
The tragically written yet fantastic best seller The Celestine Prophecy posits that there are no such things as coincidences. That deeper investigation into life’s coincidences will reveal a synchronicity in events and you may begin to realize that some underlying process is operating on your life. I thought this was compelling when i first read it. But of course the story is fiction, so it can prove anything in this context. And it is so poorly written it is a bit hard for me to recommend. Especially annoying is the “Main character as idiot” plot mechanism used for rephrasing ideas repeatedly.
What i do know is that sometimes things work out for reasons which can not be explained rationally but none-the-less feel compellingly destined. So it is with this last weekend’s trip to Norfolk. Natal’ja had said she wanted to visit Sapphyre before she left the country and i tried to make it happen. Then a collection of logistical and personal obstacles seemed to block the trip, and then we redesigned it to make it possible again and ultimately it was clear it was the right thing to do. The predictable part is that we had a grand time with Susan and Milo and Orion. The unpredictable part, and from some new agey/cosmological perspective the reason the trip happened was so Natal’ja could work with Angela.
I know very little about Angela. She practices a healing art called Body Talk and Susan thinks she is amazing and she is almost never available on short notice. Except of course this time she was – less than a days notice actually. Natal’ja went and had an amazing session. She came back feeling like something important had shifted inside her and she had a much better understanding of how to move forward with her own healing.
Did this trip come together after several obstacles because Natal’ja needed to see Angela? Rationally this is absurd. Fortunately, there are other tools in the box.
In my hunt for graphics for this post i ran across this wonderful question. “What is the carbon footprint of he Rapture?”
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